i want my first to be my last


T says:

I heard this statement from my high school classmate and it was something that stuck to my subconscious mind, "I want my first to be my last." Thought typically, men by nature are a little bit naughty (and some are way too much). It became an ideal concept for me and I said to myself, "Hey, if i can do that, it'll be an amazing story to tell my future kids."

Kie says:

I know that there are a lot of couples who do not end up with their first. I know it's not a wrong thing either, it may be just because they figured out it wouldn't work. But I saw that there are also a chosen few who followed my ideal path: end up with my first.

T says:

So the search began. Instead of diving into the courting stage, I became a girl's favorite listening ear. By being a confidant, I learnt so much how women think and I discovered what I want and don't want in a woman. 

Kie says:

Being quite a pretty and smart girl back then (oh, until now), I have met guys who expressed intent. Some are my type, some aren't. I didn't go into relationships quickly, because first, I was still in high school and my parents strongly disagree of getting into relationships during high school, and second, because I felt I was too young to know when it is right and third, because not one sent a good vibration to my heartstrings.

T says:

Then, temptations try to shaken my ideal target. A friend of mine said, "collect and select." Some say, "women are like a box of chocolates, you want to taste them all but there will always be that 1 favorite chocolate" and more. Worse, the friend who said, "I want my first to be my last" broke up with her boyfriend. And I said, "then maybe it doesn't work."

Kie says:

I knew guys, in general, weren't thinking like that. They jump from relationship to relationship as quickly as changing their shirts. A few of my girl friends did that as well. I thought it was normal. I didn't strongly believe that I will really end up with my first but I didn't discard the possibility either. I wouldn't be the girl that people describe as the ex of this and that, definitely. 

T says:

When I stop and stare, I always keep on imagining how amazing that would be. How proud my kids could be. How exciting doing a lot of "first things" together and I just couldn't want anything less than that. So, when you hold on to the things whatsoever you desire, and believe you can have it, then you will. I not only end up with my first and last, I also end up being my wife's first and last. How amazing is that! 

Kie says:

I believed in getting into a relationship and putting all my best to make it work. Only when we have exhausted all our options would I wave the white flag. Luckily and gratefully, my first boyfriend had the same ideals as mine. We wanted to be each other's first and last. It might look like a fairytale that's close to impossible, but believe me, we went through a lot of battles - and ended up a victor.

We say:

When you stand your ground on your principles and what you want, you attract people who are the same. You meet the people and circumstances you need to get it. 

We do not say you have to do the same, we say that you get into a relationship after you have known each other for quite a bit and you are sure that what you have is more than just a feeling. 

And when you get into it, share your ideals and jump through hurdles together. Think long term and do not give up without fighting a good battle. 

It takes two to tango.

Good luck!

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